I’m in Love with the Cocoa – Ned Flanders’ Hot Cocoa Tutorial

No More Boring Hot Chocolate
The Simpsons is my all time favorite show. Ned Flanders, the Simpson family’s extremely religious next door neighbor, asked Bart if he wanted some hot cocoa. Bart turned Ned down and said that hot cocoa was for wusses. Once Ned made his extra fancy hot cocoa and put it in the window, Bart couldn’t resist. After I watched The Simpsons Movie for the first time I begged my Papi (who is also a fan of The Simpsons) to figure out the ingredients for the Hot Chocolate recipe that made Bart Simpson, say “Oh my God.”
Who doesn’t love hot cocoa? Well, I don’t just drink it when it’s cold outside. I drink hot chocolate all year round. By the way, it doesn’t get that cold in Florida where I live very often anyway.
I’ve perfected this Mexican inspired cocoa and my family and friends beg me to make it for them.
The YouTube video below is a tutorial on preparing a basic version of Ned Flanders’ Hot Cocoa from the Simpsons movie. Now, I usually get special and add the graham cracker and chocolate shavings to the top of the whipped cream. You really don’t need all of that. It’s just for presentation purposes. The main thing is adding marshmallows and whipped cream as a topping. Don’t forget the secret ingredient that makes this hot chocolate better than your boring winter drink: cinnamon. Cinnamon should not only be on top of the whipped cream, but it should also be the first thing you mix into your milk.
Please watch the video. Like and subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Most of all, enjoy making my favorite drink!